Thursday, May 5, 2016

Daylight Changes Over Time

As weeks and months go by the light coming through our windows changes based on the position of the sun in relation to our homes. Because we live in the northern hemisphere the southern windows and parts of our house that are south facing receive the most light. This light changes its angles as it comes through our windows over the seasons. This is a result of the changing angle of the sun in relation to earth. In the winter the sun is lower on the horizon then in the summer so we get more light that pierces into the space. This is in contrast to the summer, when the sun is higher in the sky, we get less direct light penetrating the space. Light angles and how much light penetrates the spaces is also affected by the time of the day. These principles are demonstrated in the sketches below.
January 25 @ 9:00am

January 25 @ 12:00pm
 January 25 @ 3:00pm

February 15 @ 1:00pm

March 25 @ 9:00am

April 15 @ 2:00pm

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